Sunday 7 May 2017

Debbie's devastation

We missed a bullet when Cyclone Debbie crossed the coast of North Queensland further down south than expected. Shute Harbour, located in the turquoise waters of the Whitsundays took the full force of Debbie's fury with destructive 230km/h winds.  

More than a month after Debbie's destructive path tore through this major tourist port, her fury is still visible. It is heartbreaking to see the devastation first hand, boats ripped off their moorings and smashed against the shoreline, others sunk with only masts visible and boats turned into piles of rubble. 

These boats were someone's pride and joy and it's hard to believe this happened only a hop, skip and jump away from Townsville. We are thankful that we weren't in the firing line this time but feel for all those affected by this immense weather event.

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