Tuesday 11 April 2017

Seas the day - Deckie's story of survival

Meet Deckie, Pat’s furry best friend. Deckie lives on board Kathleen II with Pat, she makes a great deckhand and companion but I think she is the captain of the ship more than the deckie. Deckie is much loved by the Breakwater Marina community and is often found strutting her stuff on F pier checking out the comings and goings.
Deckie loves to play and is inquisitive, she gets excited when she spies fish swimming by. She jumps about with joy on her little legs but these same little legs struggle to keep her afloat.

Sunday 9th April Pat went out with visiting family, when they returned Deckie was AWOL. Once word got around that Deckie was missing a search and rescue effort was underway. Pat would be devastated if Deckie was gone.

Marina staff checked CCTV footage which revealed she hadn’t slipped through the gatehouse door unnoticed. Her lead and harness were found dangling off the side of the boat, so things were not looking good. With no sign of Deckie a few hours later, everyone feared the worst.

Then a miracle! Five hours after Deckie was first noticed missing, a chance sighting revealed her furry little head peeping out from under the floating pier. Deckie was found! She had fallen into the water but found refuge on a wee ledge waiting patiently and quietly to be rescued. 

Pat and everyone else who had been searching for Deckie were ecstatic! "I couldn't believe it! It was better than winning the lottery!" Pat said. That’s the wonderful thing about Marina life, a supportive community that look out for each other and take the time to get to know their fellow boaties.

What a pawfect end to the story. Deckie will now make sure she always wears her life jacket!

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