Tuesday 4 April 2017

Seas the day! - Dream Big, set goals & take action!

Sometimes, (a lot of the time) it feels like we live to work! What kind of a life is that? I want a jobby! What’s a jobby you ask? A job that’s your hobby! As the old saying goes “do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”- Confucius

When exactly were, you brainwashed into believing that the best way to earn a living is to have a job. – Seth Godin

Now for some of us it can take a while to work out what our hobbies or passions even are. It only took me 40 years to realise what I love to do is explore unfamiliar places, take lots of photos (and I mean a lot!) and share my experiences.

From the moment, I stepped off the plane in Split, Croatia for the first time I was captivated by this new, magical place that was so different to anything I had ever seen before. Mesmerised I drunk in the view and the feeling of awe and excitement which awoken the travel bug inside me! I wanted to capture my experience on camera (1000+ photos) so I could look back, reminisce and relive this amazing experience.

Early 2016, I was so excited when I found out that the Open Colleges of Australia offered a Travel Writing & Photography Course! This is it, this is what I want to do! Travel Writing, who would have known? I certainly didn’t. I never had a passion before but now I know I had found mine.

It’s funny in life when you are in high school trying to figure out which career path you might take. I could have studied both journalism and photography at school but these subjects were never even a consideration of mine.

I have been fortunate and grateful that I have had good administration jobs in the past and present. These jobs have also been good to me while raising our three children which I will always be truly grateful for.

I successfully completed my course and I am now setting goals for my future so I can fulfill my dream of becoming a travel writer.

A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.
A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.
A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true. – Greg S. Reid

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